Dora pictures

There are a lot of Dora pictures you can find on the internet. With these Dora pictures to print, you can make your own book with pictures or you can do other fun things with it. All you need to do, is find your favorite Dora images you or your children like, download them and decide what you want to do with these Dora images.

For example, it’s also possible to use your favorite images in a screensaver on your computer.
There’re also some example Dora pics from birthday cakes, it’s very funny to make or order your own Dora cake.

We’ve tried to offer a wide range of free images of Dora the Explorer in different sizes you can download from onlykidsonly. We will try to continue offering new images of Dora and all the other characters from this very popular cartoon.

Find your favorite Dora image below, click on it to see a larger image, download them and decide what you want to do with them.
If you can’t choose between Dora and Diego, there’re also pictures of Dora and Diego together 🙂 And for the lovers of the grumpy old troll, we also have pictures from him. Remember his song he’s singing when he’s showing himself:
“There’s a grumpy old troll who lives under a bridge HEY!
There’s a grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge HEY!
If you want to cross over all you gotta do is this all you gotta do is this!

Have lots of fun with the Dora pictures and of course all the other pictures from the other characters.

Dora pictures

The description with the images below are as follows:
– It looks like it’s winter and there’s standing a very cold wind. That’s why Dora and Boots are wearing thick clothing, caps, gloves and scarves in this image. But, it doesn’t matter how cold it is, they always keep on smiling 🙂
– This is a image from Dora and Backpack. Dora is already colored in, now it´s time Backpack gets colored.
– In this image Dora and Boots are swinging on a liana. They just look like Tarzan.
– This is a very beautiful image from Dora and Boots, dancing and laughing together.

Keep on smiling Dora and Backpack Liana swinging Dancing

The grumpy old troll is showing himself in the first image below and he’s singing his song. Can you solve his riddle? Next to it are 2 very nice images of Dora cakes. Happy third birtday by Dora, Boots and the friendly stars. Just blow out the candles. Of course Doras loves jumping around as you can see in the fourth picture.

Solve my riddle Dora cake Dora birtday cake Jump

Here we have another three Dora images. We see:

  • Map showing himself
  • A nice picture from Dora and Boots dancing and jumping around at Dora’s house
  • Dora almost alone running and waving to you. She’s surrounded by two loving butterflies

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More pictures of Dora

Do you see Swiper? Where is he? Is he behind us? …… Swiper don’t swipe, Swiper don’t swipe. Swiper is always trying to steal main items from Dora and Boots which are needed on there adventures. In the second picture you see Backpack and Map, another 2 important characters in the Dora shows. Without them, it will be very hard to accomplish the adventures. The third image below is a very nice one of Dora and Boots waving in a balloon. On the background there’s a rainbow and a volcano which is spitting a lot of colored ball. Then we have a very nice image of Boots the pirate. Do you think he’s dressed as a friendly pirate of as a pirate who steals everything? Noooooooo, it’s Boots, not Swiper the fox 🙂

Swiper Dora image from Backpack and Map Balloon Boots the pirate

“Say Backpack”. Backpack!!!!!!! 🙂 Well, here we have him. What items does he have now for Dora and Boots? Maybe you can find other pictures where Dora or Boots are using one of the items Backpack is showing here…..

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Below we have another four Dora images with:

  • Dora, Boots and Diego together swinging in some lianas
  • Boots and Map hugging each other
  • Dora wearing some christmas clothings
  • A big hug between Dora and Boots because Dora and Boots are very fond of each other

Swinging in lianas Hugging Dora dressed up as Santa Dora and Boots giving each other a big hug

Do you sea Swiper on the first Dora image below. What does he want to steel now from Dora? In the second image Dora is writing a Valentines card for Boots. When you go to the Valentines Day section, you’ll find a coloring page where she gives it to Boots. We also have a picture of Boots making a mess. But, there’s Backpack with some cleaning tools 🙂

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More Dora pictures with Backpack, Boots, Swiper and Diego

Here we have images of Dora wearing a pink dancing dress, a happy Dora and another nice picture of the grumpy old troll showing himself. What’s his riddle this time?

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Here’s a very nice picture of Dora and Boots visiting Dora’s little baby sister and here we have Swiper again. “Swiper, don’t swipe!!!”

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  • Dora images are very nice to use for children to do some nice tinkering to make a picture book or something like that. Here we have a nice image of Dora and Boots waving goodbye. This Dora image can be used for example as a cover of your own Dora picture book
  • Wow!!! Here we have an image from a episode of Dora. Here’s Dora sitting in a boat of Diego, together with her nephew looking for something they can use from Backpack. But what do they need? I geuss they need the safety vests to be save on the water
  • Dora and Boots are mostly together. But where is Boots now? Dora is swinging but Boots is nowhere to find. This is an image of Dora and Backpack swinging. And of course is Map swinging along safely in Backpack
  • What a nice family portret. A very nice portret of family and lots of friends of Dora. Who do we see around Dora? Boots, Grandmother, Diego, Alicia, Tico the Squirrel, Benny the Bull, Swiper the Fox and many more
  • Dora image Diego and Dora Dora with Backpack and Map Dora picture from Dora surrounded by family and friends like Diego

    These Dora pictures are always nice to see. Dora and Boots hugging each other, they’re friends for life 🙂 and Dora and Boots just had fun with a cable car ride. Let’s jump off and do it again 🙂

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